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Breaking Away from Ideology

Last summer, I confronted the importance of exploring my inner creative philosophy. This process remains ongoing, yet I feel a sense of progress by gradually gathering the fragments of my true essence. I've come to realize that this journey will likely be one of continual refinement until the end of my days.

After completing a large-scale installation project and crossing into the beginning of 2024, I found myself extremely exhausted. Everyone experiences a form of "burnout syndrome," and I finally recognized it.

The desire to create still burns within me. However, the motivation to share it with the world eludes me.

Upon introspection, I've realized that my previous reasons for continuously sharing my work with the world are built from two primary sources: the joy of sharing the same senses with others and financial gain. While there's nothing wrong with these motivations, I've come to see their limitations. In the midst of being caught up in a mindless loop of numbers, I've begun to question whether I'm significantly reducing the energy needed to contemplate the true meaning behind sharing my work.

Something is missing in my life that could serve as an additional source of creative energy.

What message do I want to convey through my work?

Is there a reason and value worth sharing?

During discussions with various artists, I was deeply moved by a story shared by a local artist. Despite her artworks often featuring adorable animals and vibrant colors, her reasons for continuing to share her work were quite the opposite. Growing up in a society with strong conformity pressures, she often remained silent even when she disagreed with certain social issues. However, after having a child, she became convinced that remaining silent wouldn't improve her child's future, so she resolved to speak out more actively—through her art. While her art may appear child-friendly at first glance, it contains subtle social messages that only a discerning few can perceive.

After hearing her story, I couldn't help but feel deeply impressed. It wasn't about whether I agreed with her social messages; it was about her strength as an artist. I felt compelled to support her and felt excitement every time she released a new piece. A spiritual connection had formed between us as artists.

That’s right, art has incredible power when it comes to conveying messages.

So, what message do I want to convey? What is the raw voice around me? When I thought about myself and my surroundings, one thing immediately came to mind: "The harder you work, the more inferior you feel." Being in Silicon Valley, I've met many incredibly talented individuals, yet I often hear them express feelings of inadequacy. Phrases like "There's always someone better than me" or "I still have a long way to go" popped out so many times in conversation. It's an evaluation system based on subtracting from a perfect score of 100. While they're truly amazing individuals in my eyes, their self-evaluation seems to suggest otherwise.

We're being socially pressured to be perfect and are becoming slaves to this ambiguous concept.

And yet, we expect perfection from ourselves and others. 

It is still an idea with more room to discuss, but I've decided to start from here—for myself and those around me.

Immersive Collection aims to be the beginning of such ideas and discussions.


The collection is a ritual of getting lost in time and finding yourself once again.

The pieces are to serve as a guiding light to remind you of the importance of nurturing your innermost being and embracing the beauty of self-discovery. It allows you to step away from the external world, inviting you into a serene sanctuary where only self-reflection holds dominance.

It's a symbol of self-care, self-love, and the profound journey of self-acceptance.

As broken pieces of glass are gathered and reassembled, they symbolize the inherent resilience within us all, gently pushing us forward on the path of personal growth and empowerment.



























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