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Autumn Collection at Earth Garden

From all the "first time experience" that I remember in my life, showing my art in Japan for the first time just topped my list last week. There were many craft fairs in Japan when I was searching, but my first time had to be outdoors even with the risk of bad wether. Possibility of beautiful natural light, wind and good music was what I wanted as my venue and "Earth Garden" conducted in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo was the event that had everything.

The main concept of collection was "collected nature colors" I wanted to show the best colors I've collected through out the years. "Riptide" as all my water colors, "Everglow" as night sky colors and "Willowglen" as the fresh green colors.

"Riptide" and "Everglow"


Having my beautiful sister by my side, my mind was full of excitement and happiness with the sunny sky!

2 day show at Yoyogi Park was a huge experience for me that I'll never forget. I will probably continue to challenge many shows in Japan as well as in California, but the very first one will always be the special one. Having my sister, friends and families coming to support me and my art work, getting to know great vendors who's very inspiring, and all the people who stopped by the booth appreciating my artwork. Every little moment was special and precious for me.

I'm so glad that I took a big leap this time. Feeling fresh and accomplished, my challenge will continue! Here's an event video from @yosuke.nemoto who's also teaching smart phone filming at @street_academy_oficial !

By the way, one of the piece are still available so if you're interested feel free to contact me!

"Whitehawk no.1"

Glass, acrylic on panel with wood frame ('19)

15.5" x 13.5" (with frame)

$340.00 (w/o shipment)


人生の色々な「初めて」の中でも日本で初めて作品を発表する、はきっとこれからも忘れられない「初めて」であると思います。日本で沢山あるクラフトフェアの中で雨のリスクがあったとしてもどうしても野外のものを選びたかったのです。美しい自然の光と少しの風、そして良い音楽が理想的でしたが、まさにその条件にぴったり当てはまったのが代々木公園で毎年行われている Earth Garden でした。


"Riptide" and "Everglow"




今回勇気を出して踏み出してみてよかった。新鮮なやりきった気持ちで明日からは次のシーズンの季節に向かってまたがんばります!素敵なイベントビデオを@yosuke.nemoto さんに作ってもらいました♡ 彼は @street_academy_oficial でもスマホ動画撮影編集も教えているのでご興味があればぜひ!


"Whitehawk no.1"

Glass, acrylic on panel with wood frame ('19)

39 x 33cm (額付き)

¥34,000 (送料別)



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